

In August 2024 I joined the Department of Physics of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County as Assistant Professor. There, I will be leading the Complex Quantum Systems research group.

I am a theoretical physicist and I am deeply fascinated by the power   of information theory to describe natural phenomena.  

After the PhD at the University of Oxford I worked as Independent Research Fellow at the University of California, Davis. In December 2021 I begun a faculty appointment at the University of Washington, Seattle, as Research Assistant Professor, where I joined the newly founded InQubator for Quantum Simulations.  After a brief stint at the University of Trieste, I was recently hired by the University of Maryland, Baltimore County as Assistant Professor for my expertise in Quantum Information Science.

Thanks to the support of Templeton World Charity Foundation, and of the InQubator for Quantum Simulations at UW, I am studying how natural and artificial systems share and process quantum information.



Funding our research has become a “job-within-the-job”. Especially in the realm of foundational research, whose applications might be years away in the future. For this reason, I would like to express my gratitude to the following institutions for their current or past support:

If you are interested in my academic profile

  • Here is the link to my Google Scholar page
  • Most of my publications are available on ArXiv
  • Here you can find my CV